News Release: SRU Symposium/Workshop December 16th, 2022
Building Healthier Soils, Plants and People
RSVP Dec. 5th 2022 Call/Text 260-706-3133 or email:
Every once in a while a scientist reveals a truth from God’s Creation which explains something so well that the discovery demands it be shouted from the rooftops.
Have you ever wondered why the addition of a few pounds of fertilizer to Two Million pounds of soil only seven inches deep, can make a difference in the crop that grows? How about why spending all those fertilizer dollars hasn’t made the difference you were told it would make?
Dr. James White from Rutgers University, John Andreas from Natural Resources Group in Lindsay, CA, Dr. Bill Brown from Kingsville, Ontario and Gus Palmann from Biome Makers in West Sacramento, CA along with several other experts and others will explain to you to what is REALLY happening in your soil and how to make it happen better.
You will also learn how animal wastes are being enhanced to improve the biological value, which is producing more disease resistant plants and providing higher nitrogen content in the manure for your crops. The same “therapy” is also creating a better atmosphere in and around livestock facilities.
The Soil Regeneration Unlimited (SRU) Symposium/Workshop on Healthy Soil, Plants and People is scheduled for December 16th at the Honeywell Center- Legacy Room. It will be a day you won’t regret spending with a distinguished group of professionals and fellow farmers. This will be a practical, problem solvers’ day.
The very full day begins with registration at 7:30 AM. The fee for the day including a noontime meal is only $60/person unless school aged accompanied by parent/guardian or Ag. Teacher. This invitation is extended to university students as well.
We need to know how many are coming by December 5th. Either call, text or email Jim Martindale at 260-706-3133 or
A very worthwhile introduction to the content of the presentations is a U-Tube video presentation by Christine Jones from Australia.
December 16, 2022, at Honeywell Center, Legacy Hall
at 275 West Market St. Wabash, In 46992
RSVP by Dec. 5th: 260-706-3133 or
7:45 AM Registration
8:00 AM Introductions and Overview – Jim
8:15 AM John Andreas- Natural Resources Group, Lindsay, CA
Introduction to the concepts of the rhizosphere
9:00 AM Dr. Bill Brown- Adjuvants Plus Ltd., Kingsville, ONT.
Characterization of Clonostachys Fungi
10:00 AM Dr. James White- Dept. of Plant Biology Rutgers
University, New Brunswick, NJ
How plants get nutrients from soil microbes and endophytes.
11:30 AM Q & A Dr. White, Dr. Brown and John Andreas
12:00 Noon Lunch
12:45 PM Beau Popejoy, CEO New Solutions Ag LLC., Fairbury, IL
Enhancing the Value of Animal Waste while improving the environment in and around the barn
1:30 PM Gus Plamann, Biome Makers, Agronomist
BeCrop soil microbiome DNA analysis and local case studies examination
2:15 Break
2:30 PM Jim Martindale, Soil Regeneration Unlimited
Essential Components Summary
2:45 PM Supporting technologies
John Andreas (NRG), Greg Downing (Heartland
Agronomics), Mark Dodd (Pacific Grow), Jon Uitermarkt (CIMCO-CurseBuster)
3:45 PM Case study with Elview Farms- Ryan Leibel, Regina, SK
4:00 PM Q and A Panelists with Dr. White, Gus Plamann,
Beau Popejoy, Greg Kratzer, Mark Dodd, Jon Uitermarkt, Greg Downing, Ryan Leibel
4:45 PM Wrap up and “the challenge” .